Before I get into my schedule of posts that I will start on Monday, I want to share what a typical day looks like in our house. So here it goes:
- I stumble out of bed and make my way to the coffee pot. Every morning I think to myself "I wish I would have programmed the coffee pot to brew automatically at 6:55," but do you think I do it later that night for the next morning, no. Viscous cycle. While it slowly brews, I make my way into greenbean's room where I usually find her hiding under her pillow reading a book or talking nonstop to her stuffed animals.
- Breakfast is made and coffee is done. We turn on cartoons. I drink my first cup of coffee, and greenbean picks through her food, moving it around on her plate, and eventually one piece of food will make it into her mouth if I am lucky.
- After breakfast and cleanup, greenbean plays with her toys while I get dressed and ready for the day.
- We start our learning time. We put together her learning center for the day which includes day of the week, today's weather, letter, number, shape, and color. I try to do activities involving these items throughout the day. We also read her book of the day and do an activity related to it.
- Clean up from the messes of the morning. This could take awhile. Usually I am needing a second cup of coffee about now.
- Run errands, go to the park, go for a walk, playgroups, whatever needs to be done for the day, and then lunch.
- Nap time for greenbean. Work time for me with another cup of coffee. I know, I need to cut back.
- Once greenbean wakes up, we do our second activity from the book of the day that I have planned and have more playtime.
- Greenbean watches a movie. I do another hour of work.
- Greenbean and I will make dinner. Sometimes she helps, sometimes she will play in the kitchen with toys.
- Daddy is home and dinner is ready, most of the time.
- Evening activities. Basically whatever greenbean wants to play, bath, cleanup, etc.
- Bedtime for greenbean. Some nights more work for me, otherwise time for us to veg out in front of the TV.
Feel free to share what your typical day is like.